These fortresses are
shown where possible,
in their natural
landscape devoid of
Each castle has an
introduction giving a
brief history of its
owners and of the
builders; architects/engineers, master masons and other craftsmen
where known.
For more information
apply to;
A selection of Roy's
pictures are held by;
A selection of general
images in both mono
and colour, taken
completely at random
Images taken from all
over Spain.
Subjects include;
Food, Wine,
customs and
A selection of Roy's
pictures are held with;
Cephas Picture Library;
The images shown
here, were taken in the
main on commission
for Mike Barrett
Boxing Promotions.
This selection is in
memory of
Mike Barrett, a close
family friend who died; July 27, 2011,
aged 84 years.
"Born in Wandsworth London the son of an Immigration Officer,
he rose to prominence
in the 1960s to become one of Britain’s top boxing promoters.
He was debonair, with an immaculate dress sense and a ubiquitous air of gravitas and shrewdness."
While this mainly castle website is being developed, please continue to brows.
Apart from the ‘New Look’, Roy is adding more historical information in the form of separate introductions to each of the castles. Also, he is adding more pictures but deleting others which seem irrelevant.
This will be on-going as additional pictures are taken and more castle building information comes to light.